Sunday, December 30, 2007

Mama Shhh

Mama Shhh is apparently my new name. I've noticed lately that Gus does this Shhh thing to me all the time. And then today Les informed me that almost every morning when he wakes up he says to Les "mama, shhhh" putting one finger up to his lips. Although I understand why he does this, considering my new at-home job, I am still a little bit distraught by my son's perception of me. All of a sudden I'm the mom that you have to tiptoe around. I have this vision in my mind of the mom in the movies that is drunk on the couch with her tongue hanging out of her mouth and drool oozing down her cheek, still wearing her kitchen apron, and the kids all slink by her on their tiptoes, shooshing their friends so she doesn't wake up and start throwing things.

It probably doesn't help that in addition to the new job in the morning where Gus and Dad have to be quiet I also have started taking naps a lot more often during the day as a direct result of the new job. I wonder how he will be affected by this new idea of his mom being a Shhh mama. Maybe 10 or 20 years from now he'll either be the laziest boy ever and want to sleep all the time or maybe he'll resent the fact that I took too many naps and he'll be disgruntled with all laziness.

Any thoughts?


Alicen said...

Um, so I was wondering if you could have Gus teach my girls this concept. It seems you have him very well trained. The second I try to take a nap Malia thinks it's be loud time.

Dede said...

That's're such a good mom Christy!

brittani c. said...

Christy, I always thought you'd make a cute little mom. Gus is an adorable little boy. Happy New Years! Glad I ran into you.

brittani c. said...

The Browns and the Batemans? I LOVE them! Amazing people. I had no idea. I served with the Browns my first summer. The Batemans & I didn't serve at the same time, but I know them from their visits back to Kirtland and at mission reunions. Tell them hello for me. :)

ali said...

I think he will think, "My mom rules. She is smart and creative and talented. Plus, she took on a part-time job while raising me!"
